One of the most intricate projects I had the pleasure of working on was to tell the stories of 13 women across the cannabis industry. I individually interviewed each person to hear their journey: what they do, who they are, how they came to work in cannabis, and how they’re striving to innovate the industry every day. From there, I combined this information with essay and storytelling techniques in short-form articles to showcase their accomplishments and drive. Here is one of these articles with links at the bottom to the others.

Early in my cannabis introduction, I noticed clear distinctions around packaging. For a product that reaches consumers across all generations, was there something more to the designs? From start to finish, I spearheaded the creation, research, interviews, and publication of this unique article. A look behind the packaging designs of cannabis products and how they’re marketed to each generation.

It’s one thing to read about the disruptions caused by the supply chain. It’s another to view and interact with the information firsthand. This project is the growing culmination of events that created the domino effect sweeping across all realms of the label supply chain. Raw material shortages, price increases, unprecedented weather events, a factory strike - how do these circumstances continue to affect such a crucial economic supply chain?

Reporting on industry news is crucial to an anxious audience. It entails quick research, fact checking, writing, and publication. As a leader in delivering the details to our audience first, I’m proud to bring such a unique perspective to this global event.

A landing page is a blank slate of opportunity for every company. You can’t simply tell customer’s why your product is better; you have to show them. This copy garners its inspiration from the basic forms of storytelling. Who you are, what you represent, why you’re a trailblazer in your business - it’s a journey of discovery that I welcome any and every reader to take.

A detailed article is nothing without data to back it up. Or expert insights. While bracketing isn’t a new concept for online shoppers, its rapid increase in the retail industry is. I dug into why this trend has been on the rise and what minimizing it means to better the return’s experience. 3 top retail and logistics experts weighed in on the subject.